October 04, 2019
Only Constant in Life is Change
I have lived in Spain for 6 weeks now. I have studied at the University of Alicante for three weeks. And I have studied data science activities for three months. Three months ago I made the decision to start devoting my time to learn data science.
And honestly… I don’t want to study data science anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoy data science. But living in a foreign country, studying new things and learning a new language (spanish) takes up all my time and energy. I enjoy the fact that I can make a bigger impact with data science skills, but I just don’t have the energy to study it right now.
And although I really enjoy data science, I just don’t have the same passion for it as I have towards web development. I have started to think that maybe it was not the right choice to try and make data science my main career. Maybe I should just learn it on the side and incorporate it into web development in some way.
Learning from change
I felt really disappointed when I made the decision to stop learning data science. But the more I thought about it, the less it made sense to feel bad about it. I made a mistake and I learned from it. I learned what I am really passionate about. I really really love web development. I actually feel happy when I write code and build websites. I did not realize that before I tried to learn data science.
Living in Spain has also taught me that I don’t want to live here permanently. Well, that was one of the reasons why I wanted to move here in the first place. I have always dreamed of living abroad, but I have never known if I actually want it.
After living in Spain for almost two months, I can say that the thought of living abroad was better than actually living abroad is. Don’t get me wrong, I love being in Spain right now. This country is amazing and the people here are lovely. But living away from my home country, my family and my friends is a bigger con than all the pros that Spain has to offer me. I would love to have a second home here, but I would not want to live here permanently.
Get out of your comfort zone
Change is hard, but change is necessary. You can not evolve without change.
I have had the habit of changing at least one major part of my life every year. This year I made the biggest change so far by moving to Spain. It also gave me my biggest lessons so far.
What I’m trying to say is that don’t be afraid of stepping outside your comfort zone. Take small steps outside it regularly and occasionally run far away from it. I promise you that your life will get much better after you have done it! You will learn things that you would never have realized by sitting inside your comfort zone.
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